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Ronshell's Journey


Updated: Nov 15, 2022

Many of you met Ronshell at this year's breakfast. She was brave enough to share her story with over 200 people in attendance. Ronshell lost her job and struggled to pay her monthly bills. She reached out to Family Promise and received utility assistance so she could remain housed. She now participates in our Circles Stabilization Program. Ronshell spoke of the impact this program has had on her life as well as the lives of her boys.

Circles matches volunteers (Circle Allies) with participants (Circle Leaders) to help Leaders connect to resources, improve their credit, reduce their debt and improve their incomes.

Becca (left) enjoys a moment with Ronshell (right) at the Day Center recently.

Ronshell tells the story of how she couldn't have made it without the support she received. Her Circles ‘family’ has forever changed her life for the better. She's learned how to be independent and learning how to budget and be a great mom. Her Ally, Becca, speaks to the resiliency of Ronshell and comments how she was open and willing to put in the hard work. "I think she's grown tremendously," says Becca.

Life was hard enough and then Hurricane Ian hit. The apartment where Ronshell had been living in for the past seven years was completely flooded. She looked around not knowing where to begin. Mold began to form quickly. Ronshell advocated for herself and had several meetings with the apartment complex. They agreed to move Ronshell and her boys to a hotel until they resolved the issue. Several weeks went by and they realized the gravity of the situation. They decided to move Ronshell to a second story apartment where the flooding would no longer be an issue.

Ronshell continues to work in a school, provide for her boys and her father. She dreams of one day opening her own child care center for children. She continues to work hard everyday in hopes of one day making her dreams a reality.

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